Diamond Lake Clinic provides a range of behavioral and mental health care services, including medication management. Our care providers are currently accepting new patients. We also offer remote, video-conference sessions (Tele-Psych).
Specialties at Our Clinic:
Call our office at 612-869-4444 or email us at info@diamondlakeclinic.org to schedule an appointment and learn more about our services. We look forward to assisting you, or your friends and family with your mental health needs.
Thank You for Choosing Diamond Lake Clinic!
How can we help?
The first session is approximately an hour over video. We require a color copy of your photo ID (front and back) and your insurance card (front and back) before you can be seen.
New patients will usually use Doxy.me and will be sent a link to click on at the time of appt to see your provider on the screen. The provider will ask the normal questions they would ask as in-person and do a thorough initial visit.
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